
A' Specialization and Elective - Β' semester


Resilience, sustainability and protection of historic collections: new trends and contemporary practices

The purpose of the course is to acquaint the students with the new trends and practices in the management and protection of historical sites and settlements. The content of the course is the systematic presentation of the problems and new practices that are set in the context of sustainable development, sustainability and resilience of areas with special cultural value (traditional settlements, historical sites, historical ensembles, etc.). The new problems and related practices will be examined through three axes:

(a) Resilience & adaptability of historic urban areas.

The resilience and adaptability of urban areas and in particular of historic urban areas is a major concern in contemporary urban planning. This need arises from the fact that changes occurring at global level have a direct impact at local level. Thus, for example, phenomena such as climate change, health crisis and the most recent energy crisis, although occurring at a global level, have a direct impact on the city, the neighborhood and the building. Therefore, this course raises critical questions about how these phenomena affect the conservation practices of historic urban areas and buildings. Particular emphasis is placed on urban planning, policies and design practices that come to serve these new needs and make historic settlements and districts more resilient and adaptable to new conditions. All of the above is portrait through examples of implemented projects (e.g. urban regeneration projects) in historic urban areas in the US and Europe.

(b) Culture and the "creative economy".

The creative economy includes an array of activities such as the arts, architecture, fashion, film, R&D etc., which together with the "exploitation" of the cultural heritage could collectivelly play a vital role at the protection of the region, simultaneously strengthening its economic and social sustainability. This section aims to identify the components that contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage through the creative "industry", as well as outlining the main elements of strategic plans for the development of such activities that will link the protection and promotion of a historical ensemble, with its economic and social sustainability.

(c ) The economic dimension of the protection and preservation of monuments and historical ensembles (preservation economics).

The main goal is to understand the "economics" of the protection, maintenance and restoration of architectural monuments. It is obvious that the protection, maintenance and restoration of monuments and historical ensembles constitutes, among others, an important financial investment (private or public). Listed buildings have special characteristics, which should be highlighted in particular, so that the economic assessment of their value becomes more accurate. In this specific section, methods of valuations will be analyzed theoretically, but also practically. Emphasis will also be given to the issue of urban renewals of historical ensembles and the economic effects of such an intervention. In particular the economic effects are related to the increase in property values after such an intervention, and the effects of this increase on social cohesion and viability of the area in study.

Teaching notes: Recent papers in international journals and conferences. Course presentations.

Bibliography: Recent papers in international journals and conferences. Course presentations.

Assessment: Written examination (multiple choice and/or development questions).

Course leader Kaimaris Dimitrios
Semester Β
ECTS 2,0
Teaching hours 12
Teachers Kaimaris Dimitrios Kalogeresis Athanassios Pozoukidou Georgia
Method of examination written examination