
Β' Secialization and A' semester



The purpose of the course is for the student: a) to become familiar with the concepts related to the protection of cultural monuments, b) to acquire a theoretical background of knowledge necessary for solving conservation and restoration problems, c) through a longitudinal monitoring of how cultural monuments are treated from antiquity to the present day, to understand and interpret today's ethical protection, conservation and restoration, to focus on ideological aspects, analyzing the changing practice of conservation at every moment of history. Why, what, how and for whom?

The aim of the course is for the student to acquire the necessary skills to be able, as a future restorer, based on a framework of general principles, international rules, a widely accepted ethics and an interdisciplinary cooperation, to put on a correct theoretical basis his proposals for solving the problems of conservation and restoration of cultural monuments.

The following subjects will be developed in the course:


Historical Perspective

  1. The treatment of the work of art and the monument from antiquity to the Baroque era
  2. The continuity and relationship between the present and the past
  3. The Industrial Revolution, Illuminism, Classicism, Romanticism, Eclecticism and their Relationship to Monuments.
  4. Winchelmann, the Philhellenic movement and the acquisition of a new historical consciousness as a prerequisite for the restoration of monuments
  5. The restoration between experience and theory
  6. The stylistic (Viollet-le-Duc), the romantic (Ruskin) and the historical (Beltrami) restoration.
  7. Philological and scientific restoration
  8. The Map of Athens and the restoration in the interwar period.
  9. World War II, its consequences on monuments and the crisis of Scientific restoration


Theory-Principles, Ideology of Conservation and Restorationς

  1. Analysis of concepts, terminology (Greek and international): cultural object, monument – work of art, conservation, restoration, restoration, reconstruction, restoration of original form, renovation, reuse, creative restoration, sanitization, revival, continuous conservation.
  2. Historical-critical foundation of the restoration
  3. The critical restoration (G. Argan, A. Pica, R. Pane, R. Bonelli. Restoration as a "method of criticism" and creative action"
  4. The theory of C. Brandi: the material of the work of art, the potential unity, the time of the work of art, the restoration according to the aesthetic and historical values of the work of art, the patina, the space of the work of art, the principles for the restoration of architectural monuments
  5. Addressing the lacuna gap in artwork and architecture
  6. The map of Venice
  7. Monument and environment-restoration of historical centers. Amsterdam Declaration.
  8. Modern trends in restoration
  9. Modern problems and practices in conservation-restoration
  10. From heritage conservation to valorisation


Bibliography Bibliography

  1. Brandi, C., Teoria del Restauro, Roma 1963.
  2. Bellini, A., “Teoria del Restearo e conservazione Architettonica”, στο Tecniche della Conservazione, a cura di A. Bellini, εκδόσεις Angeli, Milano 1994.
  3. Carbonara, G., Avvicinamento al Restauro,Tteoria, Storia, Monumenti, Liguori Editore, Napoli 1997.
  4. Carbonara, G., Trattato di Restauro Arxhitettonico, τ. Ι., UTET, Torino 1996.
  5. Καραδέδος, Γ., Προστασία Μνημείων και Συνόλων, τ. 2 Ιστορία και εξέλιξη της Προστασίας Μνημείων και Συνόλων, ΑΠΘ, Θεσσαλονίκη 1991-1992.
  6. Λάββας, Γ., Προστασία Μνημείων και Συνόλων, τ. 1. Βασικές έννοιες, Ιδεολογία και Μεθοδολογία, ΑΠΘ, Θεσσαλονίκη 1991-1992.
  7. Di Stefano, R., John Ruskin, Napoli 1969.
  8. Καραδέδος Γ., Ιστορία και Θεωρία της Αποκατάστασης, Μέθεξις, Θεσσαλονίκη 2009.
  9. Torsello, P.ed. Che cos’é il restauro? Marsilio Edit, Venezia 2005




Dimitrios Zygomalas

Anastasia Kapandriti

Course leader Karadedos Georgios
Semester Α
Course type Compulsory
ECTS 2,5
Teaching hours 28
Teachers Karadedos Georgios
Method of examination written examination