
Β' Secialization and B' semester



The aim of the course is to introduce the following topics:

Principles of diagnostic methods for art materials.

Principles and techniques of X-ray diffraction. Principles and principles of diffraction patterns.

Principles and techniques of X-ray spectroscopy. Recording and analysis of X-ray fluorescence spectra.

Principles and applications of neutron activation analysis.

Overview of dating methods.

Radiocarbon dating - Principles and applications.

Thermoluminescence - principles and applications.


Educational objectives

Upon completion of the course students will be able to:

-understand the scientific background of the methods considered

-know the techniques, instruments, possibilities and applications of these methods in the analysis of art and cultural objects

-identify the specific requirements and limitations imposed by non-destructive or micro-destructive analysis

-to select the appropriate method for the analysis and characterisation of materials of specific works of art, and to use its results to solve scientific and technical problems of protection, conservation and restoration.


Α. X-ray diffraction(G. LITSARDAKIS)


Introduction - what they are - how they are produced, absorption - background - characteristic radiation - monochromacy, Radiography - Fluorescence spectroscopy - Diffraction, shielding, diffraction - Bragg's law, experimental techniques - sample format - powder diffractometer, crystal structure - PDF-ICSD databases, diagram information – identification, Phase ratios, Error sources

Teaching support

-Notes and books for distribution

1) «Περίθλαση ακτίνων Χ», Σημειώσεις από το μάθημα, Γ.Λιτσαρδάκης, 2004

2) “An introduction to the scope, potential and applications of X-ray analysis”, M. Laing, IUCR 1981,2001 http://www.iucr.ac.uk/iucrtop/comm/cteach/pamphlets-/2/index.html

3) “Elements of X-Ray diffraction by crystals”, F.Kasap, e-booklet, 2001

4) “Encyclopedia of Materials Characterization : surfaces, interfaces, thin films”, C.R.Brundle, C.K.Evans Jr. and S.Wilson, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1992 [Ηλεκτρονικές πηγές βιβλιοθήκης ΑΠΘ].

Bibliography, άλλες πηγές

1) “Structural and chemical analysis of materials”, J.P.Eberhart, Wiley 1991

2) “Physical methods for materials characterization”, P.E.J.Flewitt and R.K.Wild, IOP Publishing 1994

3) MATTER, The University of Liverpool :

“Introduction to diffraction” http://www.matter.org.uk/diffraction/,

“x-ray diffraction” http://www.matter.org.uk/diffraction/x-ray/default.htm

4) Introduction to X-Ray Powder Diffraction, course material from the Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Univ.of New Mexico


Laboratory - Tasks - Exercises

1) Demonstration of instrument (powder diffractometer) and chart processing & analysis software

2) Practice identifying one and two phase diagrams with the help of the ICSD PDF catalogues

Evaluation Final exam 75%, exercise 25%



B. X-ray fluorescence (Α. ΚΛΟΥΒΑΣ, Α. ΚΑΡΥΔΑΣ) Α.Καρύδας)


XRF Technique – Theory, principle of the method. Portable X-ray spectrometers. X-ray micro-fluorimetry technique. Analytical range, sensitivity, 2D and 3D resolution of XRF techniques. Quantitative analysis in the XRF technique. Conditions and limitations in the analysis of archaeological objects and works of art. Application of portable X-ray fluorimetry spectrometers for the non-destructive analysis of archaeological objects and works of art.

Laboratory - Tasks - Exercises

  • Demonstration of XRF system, Qualitative determination of elements in various samples
  • Analysis of test-mortars with dyes – Identification of peaks

-Electronic files for distribution

  1. A.G. Karydas, X. Brecoulaki, Th. Pantazis, E. Aloupi, V. Argyropoulos, D. Kotzamani, R. Bernard, Ch. Zarkadas and Th Paradellis., “Importance of in-situ EDXRF measurements in the preservation and conservation of Material Culture.”, X-Rays for Archaeology, Edited by M. Uda, G. Demortier and I. Nakai, Springer, p. 27-53, (2005).
  2. T. Pantazis, A.G. Karydas, C. Doumas, A. Vlachopoulos, P. Nomikos, E. Thomson, C. Vecoli, M. Dinsmore, “X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of a Gold Ibex and other Artifacts from Akrotiri”, Aegaeum 24, p155-160, (2003).
  3. A.G. Karydas, H. Brecoulaki, B. Bourgeois, Ph. Jockey and Ch. Zarkadas, “In-situ XRF Analysis of raw pigments and traces of polychromy on marble sculpture surfaces. Possibilities and limitations.”, The 28th International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property,  “Non-destructive examination of Cultural Objects – Recent Advances in X-ray Analysis” Tokyo, Japan, 1-3 Δεκεμβρίου 2004, pp 48-62
  4. E. Aloupi, V. Paschalis, S. Stassinopoulos, V. Tornari, D. Anglos, A. Karydas, V. Gionis, G. Cryssikos,  Analysis and documentation of the Baptism of Christ, Domenicos Theotokopoulos using non destructive physicochemical techniques ,  Benaki 5, p. 87-114, 2006
  5. A.G. Karydas Application of a portable XRF spectrometer in the analysis of museum metal collections. Annali di Chimica, 2007

-Bibliography, other sources πηγές

  1. X-Ray Spectrometry, Vol. 1, 2000, Special Millennium issue dedicated to Cultural Heritage
  2. Handbook of X-ray spectrometry (second edition) R.E. Van Grieken and A.M. Markowicz, Eds., Practical Spectroscopy Series Vol. 29, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 2002, 1016 pg.
  3. ART2002 – Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Non-destructive Testing and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage , R. Van Grieken, K. Janssens, L. Van ‘t dack and G. Meersman, Eds., University of Antwerp (UIA), Antwerp-Wilrijk, 2002, 825 pg.
  4. Non-destructive microanalysis of cultural heritage materials, K. Janssens and R. Van Grieken, Eds., Vol. XLII on “Wilson and Wilson’s Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry”, Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, 2004, 800 pg. , Cultural heritage conservation and environmental impact assessment by non-destructive testing and micro-analysis, R. Van Grieken and K. Janssens, Eds. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Leiden, 2005, 328 pg.
  5. X-Rays for Archaeology, Edited by M. Uda, G. Demortier and I. Nakai, Springer, p. 27-53, (2005).

Laboratory - Tasks - Exercises

  • Demonstration of the parts of the XRF spectrometer
  • Understanding the main features of the multichannel analyzer
  • Analysis of metal alloy patterns – Peak identification and explanation of relative photopeak intensities.
  • Analysis of test-mortars with dyes – Identification of peaks



C. Analysis by Neutron Activation (I. STAMATELATOS)


Basic principles of the technique, Neutron sources – γ-radiation detectors, γ-Spectrometry, Activation equation, Comparative advantages and disadvantages of the technique, Examples of applications of the technique in the study of cultural heritage, New challenges research challenges

-Notes for distribution

1) «Neutron Activation Analysis for Cultural Heritage Research Studies», Σημειώσεις από την παράδοση του μαθήματος, Ι.E. Σταματελάτος, 2007

2) M. D. Glascock and H. Neff, Neutron Activation Analysis and Provenance Research  in Archaeology, Meas. Sci. Technol. 14 (2003) 1516–1526.

3) Ανάτυπα πρόσφατων  ερευνητικών εργασιών

Bibliography, άλλες πηγές

1) Susan J. Parry, Activation Spectrometry in Chemical Analysis, Ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1991.



D. Chronology – Thermoluminescence and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (I. Tsirliganis)


Introduction – General about dating, categorization of methods, limits and suitability of various dating methods. Basic principles of thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. Measurement methodology. Experimental techniques. Laboratory Equipment. Analysis of measurements, sources of error. Application of the method. Selected applications

Electronic files for distribution

1) «Χρονολόγηση με Θερμοφωταύγεια – Οπτικά Προτρεπόμενη Φωταύγεια», Παρουσίαση-σημειώσεις από το μάθημα, Ν. Τσιρλιγκάνης, 2007.

2) “Handbooks for Archaeologists No 1 – Thermoluminescence Dating”, G.A. Wagner, European Science Foundation, Heidelberg 1983

3) «Αρχαιομετρία, Μέθοδοι Χρονολόγησης στην Αρχαιολογία–Κεφάλαιο 2: Θερμογωταύγεια (ΘΦ)», Ι. Λυριτζής, Εκδ. Καρδαμίτσα, Αθήνα 1994.

-Bibliography, other sources

1) Aitken M.J., Thermolumiscence Dating, Academic Press, Orlando 1985

2) Aitken M.J., An Introduction to Optical Dating-The Dating of Quaternary Sediments by the Use of Photon-stimulated Luminescence, Oxford Science Publications, Oxford 1998

3) Fleming S., Thermoluniscence Techniques in Archaeology, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1979

4) Λυριτζής Ι., Φυσικές Επιστήμες στην Αρχαιολογία, τυπωθήτω-Γιώργος Δάρδανος, Αθήνα 2005

5) Wagner G.A. , Age Determination of Young Rocks and Artifacts – Physical and Chemical Clocks in Quarternary Geology and Archaeology, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 1998

6) Biers W.R., Art, Artefacts and Chronology in Classical Archaeology, London and New York 1996

7) Michels J.W., Dating Methods in Archaeology, New York 1973



E. Radio dating with Carbon-14 (I. Maniatis)


Introduction, contribution of the method to history, prehistory and paleoenvironment. What is the isotope of 14C and how is it produced on earth. How does it enter living organisms and what is its cycle. What is the principle of the Carbon-14 dating method. Factors and corrections taken into account for accurate dating. Tree rings and age calibration. Materials that can be dated with the technique. Typical examples of applications (architectural buildings, works of art, archaeological finds, environmental samples) Authenticity Check



-Notes and books for distribution

  1. Γ. ΜΑΝΙΑΤΗΣ, «Η ΜΕΘΟΔΟΣ ΡΑΔΙΟΑΝΘΡΑΚΑ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΧΡΟΝΟΛΟΓΗΣΗ ΑΡΧΑΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝΤΙΚΩΝ ΥΛΙΚΩΝ», Οδηγός – Εκδόσεις Μουσείου Θεσσαλονίκης, 2007 – Διανέμεται σε φωτοτυπίες
  2. Y. Maniatis, “Archaeometry in the third millennium: An integrated tool for the recording, preservation and dissemination of the cultural heritage”, Proceedings of International Symposium on: Archaeometry in Europe in the Third Millennium, Accademia Nazionale de Lincei, Roma, 61-86, (2002).

-Bibliography, other sources πηγές

  • Aitken M.J., (1990), “Science-based dating in archaeology”, London, Longman.
  • Hedges R.E.M., (1992), “Sample treatment strategies in 14C Dating”, Radiocarbon After Four Decades-An Interdisciplinary Perspective, R.E. Taylor-A. Long-R.S. Kra, eds, Springer-Verlag, 165-183.
  • Kromer B. and Munnich K.O., (1992), “CO2 gas proportional counting in radiocarbon dating-Review and Perspective”, Radiocarbon After Four Decades-An Interdisciplinary Perspective, R.E. Taylor-A. Long-R.S. Kra, eds, Springer-Verlag, 184-197.
  • Maniatis, Y. and B. Kromer (1990). Radiocarbon dating of the Neolithic Early Bronze Age site of Mandalo, W. Macedonia. Radiocarbon 32: 149-153.
  • Taylor, R.E, Long, A and Kra, R. (eds), (1994), “Radiocarbon After Four Decades. An Interdisciplinary Perspective”, Springer-Verlag, NY.
  • Internet sites: http://www.ims.demokritos.gr/archae, http://www.c14dating.com, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiocarbon_dating,


Course leader Litsardakis Georgios
Semester Β
Course type Compulsory
ECTS 4,0
Teaching hours 21
Teachers Litsardakis Georgios Professor,
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Karydas Andreas-Germanos Stamatelatos Ion-Evangelos Tsirligkanis Nestor
Method of examination written examination